
Robinson Crusoe

3 hours


Our popular 1 to 3 hour kayak trip (without guide) is a particularly interesting possibility for families and individuals, and especially for those with little to no previous kayaking experience. Participants can explore on their own.

Our popular 1 to 3 hour kayak trip (without guide) is a particularly interesting possibility for families and individuals, and especially for those with little to no previous kayaking experience.  Participants can explore on their own in and around  the amazing labyrinth-like waterways. Notice that the area is absolutely safe and is great for beginners.
Season : year round (except when the lake is frozen over)
Departure times are flexible
Minimum number of participants : 1
Maximum number of participants : 60
For ages 6 and up


Ca 1 - 3 klst. án leiðsagnar. Sérlega skemmtilegur möguleiki fyrir fjölskyldur og einstaklinga, þar sem fólk getur kannað á eigin spýtur völundarhús fenjanna. Kort af svæðinu er til sölu í afgreiðslu. Tekið skal fram að svæðið er algjörlega hættulaust. Brottför : hvenær sem er
Tímabil : allt árið (ef vatnið er ekki frosið)
Lágmark : 1 manneskja
Hámark : 60 manns

What's included?

    Innifalið : Kayak, þurrgalli, björgunarvesti og sund  (sundið er innifalið á opnunartíma en hægt að opna laugina gegn auka gjaldi)

    Included: Kayak, drysuit, safety vest and swimming (during opening hours - possible to open swimmingpool for extra charges)

      Please note

        Tímabil : allt árið. (ef vatn sé ekki frosið)

        Season: year round if weather allows

        What to bring

          Aukaföt, hlý föt (sundföt)

          Extra (dry) and warm clothes (bathingsuit)

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